To all my students and their parent's: WELCOME! TO THE MAIN PLATFORM OF THE ENGLISH CLASS OF THE 8TH AND 11TH GRADE OF THE DR. Rafael Lopez LandrĂ³n SCHOOL!

This blog will serve for different functions: to access material when the teacher requests it, to reinforce skills of students that need to review the different classes and discussions if the material is provided by the teacher, to access new material regarding the English class when requested by the teacher, and reviews videos and discussions of the same when they are uploaded to reinforce skills. 

Here, the links to the different sites will be posted when available. You can access them at any time of the day and of the week when uploaded. Everything that the teacher requests regarding the class will be in this blog. 

REMEMBER: the fact that we will have here in this blog discussions, videos, links, among others, does not mean you will not communicate with the teacher on a regular basis and be absent from the class. It is important that you communicate with the teacher in case of doubts or questions, attend the school (since we are already taking physical classes), as well as to keep yourself updated with material regarding the class. 

In case of any doubt, communicate with the teacher by email or communicate with the school.